
In October 1872, James A Childs became postmaster of Childstown Township in Turner County.  In February 1876, Andreas Schrag took over as postmaster and operated the Childstown Post Office in Turner County. The post office was located at his farmhouse (on 443rd Ave) near Turkey Ridge Creek.

The adjacent property owned by Christian Mueller, consisted of the Rose Valley Granary (built in 1917 by Christians son John C Mueller and his son David J Mueller), a barn, and a few other outbuildings surrounded by a nice grove of trees. Christian Mueller was a big part of the Mennonite movement. In the early 1900’s the Interurban Railroad was projected to run from Viborg through Childstown, but when the war began, the funding for the railroad didnt come. The railroad was never built and the settlement never developed.

Two miles to the west Ourtown Post Office operated in 1902.  Clarkson Post Office operated to the northeast on 447th Ave.

1893 Map
1902 Map
Christian Mueller family
David J Mueller family

“Who’s Who in Finance, Banking and Insurance”
Volume 1 Edited by John W. Leonard 1911
Transcribed by Pamela J. Hamilton 9-19-2010


Banker, farmer, born in Turner county, South Dakota, June 30, 1877. Son of Rev. Christian and Anna (Schrag) Mueller, educated in Bethel College, Newton, Kansas. Academic course, 1893-1895, graduated from South Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, South Dakota, commercial course 1898. Married in Turner County, South Dakota, May 25, 1899, Caroline P. Miller. Had three children: Noah, David, Ocelia and one deceased. Taught in public schools six years. President First National Bank, freeman, Mennonite Aid Plan (Insurance), member Freeman Implement Co., Independent Harvester Co., director South Dakota Interurban Railroad. Town Clerk: Childstown, Township seven consecutive years. Was Turner county Committeeman four years, candidate for State Legislature from Turner County, in 1910. Republican: Mennonite. Chairman School Board serving 2nd term. Rose Valley School district. Residence, Route 2, Marion. Office: Freeman.

Fairview School District #96 was located a mile to the north on the corner of 282nd Street, built in 1912 operating until 1970.