Dr Trotter > FJC Service Station
In 1901 Jacob Reuther built a Livery Stable on the corner of Fifth and Main Street (Lot 12). Dr. Clarence Trotter started a veterinary clinic in the building soon after and operated during the teens. In the 1940’s Freeman Junior College had a service station on the corner which they rented out to the Freeman Coop. The gas station became Schamber service station (Champlin Gas) in the 1950’s. The building became Stucky’s Electric in 1974, a new building was constructed in 1985.
Fred Haar
In 1882 Fred Haar formed a partnership (in the hardware and implement business) with his brother-in-law Christopher Guenthner. They bought the building north of Wipf Bros. on Main street and named the business Guenthner and Haar.
In 1903 Jacob Haar bought property on the south end of Main Street. In 1913 Fred Haar bought his fathers property and moved the business to the south end of Main Street (Lot 7 & 8).
In the 1920’s Fred Haar sold International Harvester and John Deere, but was told he couldn’t sell both. In 1938 Fred retired and his three sons; Robert, Hugo, and Theodore managed the business. Robert sold his interest in 1944 and Hugo did the same a few years later. In 1947 a fire destroyed part of the building but the building was rebuilt. Theodore’s sons; Herb and Al managed the business after Theo died in 1952.
In 1970 Leonard W. Wiens started Wein’s Auto Mart in the Mobil One Station (north Main Street). Leonard sold used cars and did tune-ups. In 1972 Wiens Auto bought the Fred Haar building (on south Main Street) and moved the auto mart business. Fred Haar moved to Highway 81.
Freeman Library
In the 1920’s a small building was constructed on the south side of City Hall (Lot 6) for a cream station (Friesen Cream Station). In 1935 the Dorcas Society began a public interest for the city to have a library and in 1939 they opened Freeman Library. Freeman Library was turned over to the city in 1942. The trustees were Hugo Haar, Mrs. Emil Ellwein, Mrs. Wm Tschetter, Mrs. Oscar Gering, and Mrs. John Kleinsasser. The library operated until 1972 when it was moved to Third Street. Dorthea Albrecht and Olga Stucky were the librarians during this time. Bernie Koller was the librarian from 1990 to 2006.
Freeman City Hall
In 1901 Andrew C Wollman became marshal and fire warden of Freeman. Town Hall was located on Third Street from 1900-1912 in the old public school building.
In 1902 Johann J. Hollwarth built a carpenter shop on Main Street (Lot 5 & 6) which he sold to the town of Freeman in 1912, so the the Opera House Theater could be built. This was a two story brick building that housed City Hall. A forty foot addition was added as well as a jail in the basement, the fire department also operated out of the building. Jake Huber was the marshal. The second floor was a large auditorium with a stage. City Hall operated on Main street until 1972 when a new building was constructed on Third street. The old building was torn down in 1974.
Below the Mayors of Freeman are listed from 1891-1976.
(1891, 1893, 1896, 1899)-Christian Buechler, 1892-Fred Haar, 1895-John Schamber, 1898-William Dewald, 1901-Sam Walter, 1910-John Schamber, 1911-1917 J.J. Wipf, 1918 Christ Baer, 1919-R.A. Gering, 1920-1921 J.M. Wollman, 1922-J.J.Waltner, 1924-J.M. Wollman, 1926 J.C. Neufeld, 1930 David Ellwein, 1934-1938 Fred Stolp, 1940 A.T. Kaufman, 1942-J.C. Neufeld, 1946 John A. Wipf, 1952-Hugo Haar, 1953 Jacob L. Hofer, 1954-John D. Unruh, 1956-1960 Eldon P. Senner, 1962-Walt Bruun, 1970-Allenton Aman, 1976-Leonard Wiens
In 1895 a windmill was built over the city well and enclosed for pump protection. In 1903 Freeman established a waterworks system and got a reservoir in 1904. The city installed a sewer in 1909 and upgraded in 1945. The city raised a tower in 1917 and improved the powerhouse. A new well was installed in 1923 and another well with a filtering plant was installed in 1950. In 1958 the underground pressure system was updated to a 75,000 gallon elevated tank.
Mutchelknaus Blacksmith Shop
In the 1890’s Karl Mutchelknaus opened a blacksmith shop on Main Street (Lot 4). In 1906 Chas Mutchelknaus took over the business and the building was sold to the Post Office in 1914. Mutchelknaus Blacksmith Shop later moved to Fourth Street.
Freeman Post Office
The Freeman Post Office was established in 1880 with Wm. Keith as the first postmaster. Followed by John Schamber, N.D. Farley, Christian Buechler in 1887, then Wm Dewald. In 1898 Dr. A.A. Wipf took over and moved the post office moved above the Wipf Drug Store.
In 1901 Dave Ellwien constructed a building for a post office on Main Street (Lot 3). Peter R. Stading took over in 1902. In 1904, a 26 mile Rural Free Delivery route started. The post office remained on Lot 3 until 1916 when it moved across the street.
Tin Shop
Farmer's Coop
In 1909 a group of farmers started Farmer’s Implement which became Farmer’s Co-operative Implement Company in 1911 (East side of Main Street). The company was managed by John J. Schrag. They organized farm merchandise, horse machinery, wagons, and buggies for farm implements. The first board of directors consisted of: Peter J. Graber, John J. Waltner, Jacob P. Preheim, Jonathan J. Gering, and Ben C. Graber.
In 1912 Mathias Hafner built a garage on the corner of Fourth and Main Street (Lot 1). It was sold to the Implement in 1914 and operated until until 1946, Chas Preheim was manager from 1920 to 1937. In 1944 a 50 x 100 foot brick building with a quonset storage was built. In 1946 it was sold to Eldon Graber and Eldon Senner and became Eldon’s Implement. In 1949 a new building was constructed just south at 423 Main.
In 1949 Eldon’s Implement constructed a new building (Lot 2). In 1965 Earl Gering and Ray Anderson bought the implement and it became Freeman Implement (Case IH). Ray sold his interest to Earl in 1973. In 1999 the business expanded and Freeman Implement moved to Highway 81.