
Zion Mennonite congregation originated in Switzerland and moved to Volhynia, South Russia in the early 1800’s.  The Horodischer family and the Waldheimer family came to America in 1874 and worshipped together until 1876.  In 1879 the Zion congregation was formed. 

In 1880 the Horodischer group built the first church in section 34 of Rosefield Township (443rd Ave).  It was a 34 by 54 foot building called the Salem Church “Mother of the Swiss community”. 

In 1881, led by Johannes Schrag “Hannes Vetter” the Waldheimer group built a church in Childstown Township (Dakota Territory) called the Zion Church Spitziche Kirche (section 7 of Childstown Township 441st Ave).  In November 1894 the Salem Church & Zion Church merged and moved to the Zion Church.  Jacob R. Schrag was in charge until 1888 when he moved to Oregon.  In 1902 the church was destroyed by a wind storm, and rather than rebuild members moved back to the Salem Church.


Salem Mennonite Church “South Church” was built in 1908, southeast of Freeman in section 16 of Childstown Township (443rd Ave).  In 1917 the Church was enlarged and remodeled, adding a basement, horse barns, and a parsonage.  In 1966 a new brick building was built but was destroyed by fire in 1985.  Salem Mennonite Church was rebuilt in 1987. 

See Salem Mennonite Cemetery

Salem Zion Church “North Church” was built in 1880. 

Early ministers of the Salem Zion Mennonite Church were: Rev. Christian Kaufman 1878-1906 (chosen as elder of Church), Rev. Christian Mueller 1878-1908, Rev. Joseph Kaufman 1894-1909, and Rev. John J. Schrag 1908-1934.

In 1912 the Church building was turned a quarter and rebuilt.  Jonathan Schrag, a missionary for the Church, died overseas in 1930 and his funeral was the largest on record.  There were 5,000 people at the Salem Zion Church.  A new Church was built in 1956 and in 1961 a new parsonage was built.  

See Salem Zion Cemetery

Salem Church

Spitziche Kirche

Salem Church built 1880

North Church after remodeling

Salem Zion

Salem Mennonite Church built 1908

Jonas Schrag Funeral 1930

Joe G Funeral 1954